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In Development Last updated: July 13, 2021
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JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages. 

According to W3Techs, JavaScript is used by 97.4% of sites on the internet as a client-side programming language.  

Developed in 1995, it is a high-level scripting language which is also known as JS. JavaScript is a multi-paradigm programming language that supports functional, imperative, and event-driven programming styles. In addition, it has APIs to work with text, data structures, regular expressions, and Document Object Model (DOM). 

JavaScript is used in various applications, such as: 

  • To load web page content via WebSocket or Ajax 
  • Play games on browser, web page animations
  • Control streaming media playbacks 
  • Generate pop-ups, page redirects, and more

Popular sites using JavaScript are Google, YouTube, Facebook, Expedia, Overstock, and more. 

So, if you are a JavaScript developer, you know the drill when you forget some concept while programming. It’s because it’s practically not possible to remember all the concepts, and when you are stuck, you find yourself skimming through internet pages or your book by your side. It is time-consuming and frustrating at the same time. 

But don’t worry; we have come up with 10 exciting JavaScript cheat sheets for you. They will help JavaScript developers and beginners who are learning the language. 

Check them out!

Codecademy: This straightforward JavaScript cheat sheet explains everything with clarity and syntax. It starts with a brief introduction and then covers topics such as conditionals, functions, arrays, scope, loops, objects, iterators, classes, modules, promises, Async-Await, browser transpilation and compatibility, libraries, booleans, data instances, and many more. 

SheCodes: It’s a good reference list containing JavaScript strings, variables, and other vital attributes. They have included the syntax for each segment that you can also copy and paste on your project to simplify your task further. It also covers variable operations, data types, structures, alerts and prompts, if-else statements, arrays, loops, numbers, dates, objects, functions, debugging, selectors, events, AJAX, and element manipulation.

Cheatography: This quick guide by Dave Child is available online, or you can download it right from the website. It includes JavaScript methods, functions, regular expressions, XMLHttpRequest object, pattern modifiers, RegEx objects, event handlers, arrays, Booleans, dates, and strings. You can refer to this when you forgot some functions and need a quick recall. This is a goldmine for developers and coders to take a sneak peek into some JavaScript concepts. It summarizes all the basic, intermediate, advanced concepts and arranges their syntax and examples for better understanding. It covers topics such as on-page script, how to include external JavaScript files, functions, editing DOM elements, loops, if-else statements, variables, data types, strings, events, numbers and math, dates, arrays, global functions, regular expressions, errors, promises, and more. 

WebsiteSetup: You can find a comprehensive JavaScript cheat sheet in text and PDF formats on this website. It covers concepts such as including JavaScript in a site, calling external JS files, including comments, variables, data types, objects, arrays, operators, functions, loops, strings, methods, expressions, quantifiers, math and numbers, dates and time, DOM mode, events, animation, errors, and more. 

Modern JavaScript: This JavaScript cheat sheet on GitHub will help you solve quick problems popping up in your projects. You can also find some recommendations by the author along with some complementary resources you can refer to. The cheat sheet includes concepts such as variable declarations, arrow function, parameters, destruction, array methods, spread operator, promises, template literals, imports/exports, classes, keywords, Async Await, Truthy/falsy, generators, static methods, and anamorphisms. You can bookmark this webpage in your browser and come back to it whenever you have some doubt because it will remind you of certain key aspects you’ll require while during JavaScript projects. It covers JavaScript basics like array properties and methods, Boolean properties and methods, maths properties and methods, string properties and methods, DOM events, core DOM, DOM node, RegExp, browser concepts, and Graphics.   

Coding Ninjas: If you are in your beginning stage of learning JavaScript or a new developer, this cheat sheet will give you respite when you forgot something while programming. You can refer to it for recalling data types, basic vocabulary, objects, functions, variables and scopes, operators, coercion, Truthy/Falsy, creating variables, loops, browser attributes, DOM, auto-inherited properties, built-in objects, and promise. This 13-page JavaScript cheat sheet is everything you would want to summarize JavaScript interactively. It will take you from beginner-level concepts to advanced-level JavaScript with proper syntax, explanation, and terminology. The best thing – you can download 13 pages at once or separately. It covers data types, objects, basic vocabulary, functions, operators, coercion, loops, constructor, this keyword, ES6+, DOM API, and more. 

Codepen: This JavaScript Quick Reference is another helpful cheat sheet that covers various topics with examples. It includes working with DOM, functions, and JS. You can learn how to access DOM elements, grab children or parent nodes, create a new DOM element, add elements, add/remove/check/toggle classes, add/remove array items and object properties, conditionals, loops, events, and timers. 


I hope the above JavaScript cheat sheets help you recall some key concepts essential while programming. Just download or bookmark them on your browser and refer to them whenever you feel stuck. 

  • Durga Prasad Acharya
    Durga Prasad Acharya is a Freelance Technical Writer who loves writing on emerging technologies, such as AI & ML, Cybersecurity, Web Hosting, SaaS, Cloud Computing, and more. Besides writing, he’s a web designer and is passionate about… read more
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